Sunday, March 08, 2020

Myocarditis in Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infected Patients

Due to significant similarities between SARS-CoV and COVID-19 virus (also called SARS-CoV-2), ACE2 has been proposed as a possible mechanism of entry and possible lung injury.

ACE2 is also expressed in heart and some studies have shown the ACE2 may play a role in the size of ischemic injury. Hence, one can propose that there may be myocardial injury in patients infected with novel corona virus (COVID-19).

A recently reported study found that the cardiac troponin levels were elevated in many patients, markedly elevated in patients who died, and that some of the patients died due to myocardial damage related to myocarditis. Further, patients with prior cardiovascular disease did poorly. In other words, while majority of patients have lung disease, a significant number of patients may also develop cardiac inflammation.

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