Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Vitamin D and Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Here is a study just published showing relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and vitamin D levels. The study adjusted for various confounders and the relationship was independent of these confounders. The study is cross-sectional and hence the direction of causal effect is difficult to determine. That is, whether greater cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with more time spent outside and hence more sunlight exposure and vitamin D formation or whether vitamin D, through its effects on muscles, nerves, bones, results in higher cardiorespiratory fitness

Monday, October 15, 2018

Deep Learning in Pathology

Here is an intersting article, showing the role of AI in pathological diagnoses. Medical speciliaties most dependent on pattern recognition, such a pathology, dermatology, or radiology, are more likely to get AI assistance sooner. With time, it is quite possible that AI can replace such physicians. For now, it appears that AI will help them work faster. Remember, increasing efficiency means need for fewer physicians in such specilaties and possibly decliing salary.